Initial letter soliciting review sent by ONCOLOGY to Larry Weisenthal:
December 6, 2000
Larry M. Weisenthal, MD, PhD
Weisenthal Cancer Group
15140 Transistor Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Dear Dr. Weisenthal:
ONCOLOGY is a clinical journal whose major purpose is publication of articles
relating to practical management issues in the care of patients with neoplastic
diseases. The thrust is a journal with broad relevance to the problems
faced by the practicing oncologist. It is sent free of charge to about
30,000 professionals, including medical, surgical, radiation, pediatric,
and gynecologic,oncologists, and hematologists.
The editorial core of the journal consists of solicited articles surveying
a particular topic of current practical importance in clinical oncology.
These topics may be either very broad or quite focused. Each paper is referred
to one or two reviewers, who are asked to write a short (about 750 to 1,000
words) commentary to be published alongside the paper. The commentary might
be entirely laudatory, highly critical, or somewhere in between. In any
case it will serve to highlight areas of consensus or disagreement among
people most familiar with the topic in question. The result should be both
lively and informative.
Four features of ONCOLOGY make it attractive to authors: First, we are
quite selective in what we publish. Second, the short interval between
acceptance and publication (about 5 to 6 months) competes very favorably
with clinical journals. Third, the journal's exceptionally wide circulation
within the clinical cancer community insures broad exposure of its editorial
material. And fourth, ONCOLOGY is included in Index Medicus.
Now to the point of this letter. We would like to invite you to prepare
an article for ONCOLOGY on "The Current Status of Chemotherapy Sensitivity
Assays". We hope you will be interested in preparing a manuscript
along these lines.
To assist you in doing so, we enclose a copy of our Guide for Authors and
an issue of our journal to give you an idea of the format. The manuscript
should be about 15 to 20 double-spaced typewritten pages plus tables, figures,
and references. We would like to hold the references to about 50. The original
should be submitted, along with three photocopies. May we ask for your
manuscript by May 17, 2001? For preperation of your paper, we can offer
a honorarium of $500, payable upon publication.
I hope that you will be interested in submitting this paper to us and look
forward to your reply. If the time schedule presents a problem, please
call me at 631-777-3800, ext. 326.
Sincerely yours, Cara H. Glynn Editorial Director
cc: James F. McCarthy Senior Vice President, Editorial
CHG:ab Enclosure